Saturday, April 22, 2023

DAISUCK AND PROSTITUTE PART 2, sorta out of date now there are things like Discogs which hopefully will have the info you need

Current searching reveals the following
found at

Yoshino Daisuck and Prostitute [listen] "Yami No Naka No Doppen Kenken" [listen] [listen] (MP3)
There's some variants in the spelling of this artist (I've seen Daisuke, Daisaku), but there's no denying that this is pure downtown NYC 81 madness adapted via Tokyo 81. It's amazing how bands like Love Live Life Plus One and Les Rallizes Denudes were bowling some of the same balls that Western counterparts like the VU and Stooges were dealing at exactly the same time to no acclaim whatsoever even after the spotlight had been shown on the American bands as being key influences on everything. So it's no surprise that something like this was happening right around the same time as DNA, Mars, and Teenage Jesus. I totally dig the cement-mixer guitars and frantic sax amidst upside down dance rhythms, I know nothing else really about them besides the fact some claim they moved in a Lounge Lizardsy direction later on. I dig this a lot and would love to hear more of the No Wave offerings the Land of the Rising Sun had to offer; the uber-pricy Friction reissues were somewhat disappointing, anyone out there have a line on any stuff from bands like Gunjogacrayon, 3/3, S-Ken and Lizard? There's a rotisserie chicken in it for you.

also read this for more

and here
91. YOSHINO DAISAKU: “Yoshino Daisaku Ranpu Seizokojo” (Super Fuji) (Sealed2 CD Set). Limited press reissue of this hideously rare 1974 private press rural folk rarity. Brother release accompanying the Otowa Shin disc, both totally indispensable obscurities that will cater perfectly to your eclectic tastes and hunger for archival sounds. I guess that Yoshino Daisaku is not immediately a name you all are familiar with. Yoshida Daisaku is one of the key-figures of the Yokohama sound, active till this day on the city's live circuit. This disc here is a reissue of his sole album, a private pressing out of 1974 and a real stunner it is. In the seventies, Yoshida spearheaded the city7s folk rock movement, when the eighties rolled along he became active in the post punk free form music scene and these days he is sculpting his way into acid blues tinted sonics. But what we have here is a recording the Japanese like to label as a privately released acid folk rock disc that saw the light of day in limited numbers way back in 1974. Yoshida's compositions have a certain straight American Rock dynamic that simultaneously embrace also a country rock and slightly acidic folk tinted approach that to a certain extent has some affinity to the Jacks sounds. Bluesy, yet folky, Yoshida's sonic world has elements of both, mingles them into one driving entity that even evokes images of an oriental Neil Young. In all it is an essential disc that sheds another beam of light upon a part of the Japanese rock scene most of us didn't even know existed of ailed to notice it was there. And just as is the case with Otowa Shin's disc, this one is a disc that grows on you after repeated listenings. The original album is represented on the 1st CD and as a bonus one gets a rare 1975 live recording spread over the 2nd CD. Again a stunning reissue, shedding a rare look upon a forgotten scene. Highly recommended and essential if you dig the Otowa Shin release. Get it before they vanish, only 500 copies were pressed and bound to dry up quickly…..Price: 30 Euro

also this on

a japanese wikipedia english translation blow hopefully
吉野大作 Yoshino Daisaku
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 Source: Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (Wikipedia),
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吉野 大作 (よしの だいさく、 1951年 - )は、日本のシンガーソングライター 。 Yoshino Daisaku (How things work, 1951 -), singer-songwriter in Japan. 河合塾 漢文科講師。 Lecturer, Department of Chinese classics河合塾. 群馬県出身。 He was Gunma.

人物 [ 編集 ] [Edit] People

フォークロック、ジャズ・アヴァンギャルド、 ブルース・ロックと曲調を変遷させているが、冷酷に現実を見つめる詩はそのキャリアを通じて一貫している。 Folk rock, avant-garde jazz, but the changes have曲調a rock and blues, poetry watching the cold reality is that consistently throughout his career. 近年はソロでの活動も増えている。 In recent years a growing number of solo activities.

1999年、「年表」をリリース。 1999, "Timeline".

大学受験失敗期にファンになる人も多い[ 要出典 ] 。 Many fans will fail during the college entrance examination [Source requirements.

京都に生まれ、上州に育つ。 Born in Kyoto, raised in the state. 上州に移った頃より詩を書きはじめ、その後作曲にも興味をもち多くの曲をつくる。 Introduction moved to write poetry from around the state, create more songs and then have an interest in the composer. 横浜国大時代に入学後も困難な状況の中で、数多くの作品を残し、今日に至る。 In difficult times after the entrance to Yokohama National University, leaving the work of many, to this day.   昭和27年8月生まれ(しし座) <アルバム「吉野大作の少年時代」ライナーノーツよりプロフィール> 8 Born in 1952 (Leo) album "Yoshino Daisaku boyhood in" Profiles from the liner notes>

ディスコグラフィー [ 編集 ] [Edit] Discography

吉野大作の少年時代/吉野大作(1973) Yoshino was a boy of epic / epic Yoshino (1973)

吉野大作ランプ製造工場/吉野大作(1974) Yoshino Daisaku lamp manufacturing plant / Daisaku Yoshino (1974)

DAISUCK&PROSTITUTE/吉野大作&プロスティチュート(1980) DAISUCK & PROSTITUTE / Yoshino Daisaku & PUROSUTICHUTO (1980)

死ぬまで踊り続けて/吉野大作&プロスティチュート(1981) Continue to dance to the death / epic Yoshino & PUROSUTICHUTO (1981)

後ろ姿の素敵な僕たち/吉野大作&プロスティチュート(1985) Us a great back / Yoshino Daisaku & PUROSUTICHUTO (1985)

吉野大作戦/吉野大作(1986) Battle of the Yoshino / Yoshino Daisaku (1986)

NOWHERE STREET/吉野大作&後退青年(1989) NOWHERE STREET / epic retreat Yoshino & Young (1989)

北京ステーション/吉野大作&後退青年(1994) Beijing Station / epic retreat Yoshino & Young (1994)

光の海の中で/吉野大作&プロスティチュート(1994) In a sea of light / Yoshino Daisaku & PUROSUTICHUTO (1994)

吉野大作1973-1985/吉野大作、GOM、後退青年、プロスティチュート(1996) Yoshino Daisaku 1973-1985 / Yoshino Daisaku, GOM, youth retreat, PUROSUTICHUTO (1996)

石の中の記憶/吉野大作&プロスティチュート(1996) Storage in rock / epic PUROSUTICHUTO & Yoshino (1996)

もう一度おれにブルースを/吉野大作&サンライズ・タウン・バンド(1997) Me again blues / big band Yoshino Town & Sunrise (1997)

神曲/吉野大作、近藤等則、石塚俊明、ロケット・マツ、金井太郎、坂本弘道、松井亜由美(1997) God song / epic Yoshino, Toshinori Kondo, Ishizuka Toshiaki, rocket pine, Taro Kanai, Sakamoto Hiromiti, Matsui Ayumi (1997)

年表/吉野大作&飛兎楽団(1999) History / epic flying rabbit Yoshino & Orchestra (1999)

チャイナ★イルージョン/吉野大作&飛兎楽団(2001) China ★ illusion / epic flying rabbit Yoshino & Orchestra (2001)

ETERNAL RAIN-永遠の雨-/吉野大作(2005) ETERNAL RAIN-Rain Eternal - / Daisaku Yoshino (2005)

関連項目 [ 編集 ] [Edit] See also

* 林家正蔵 正蔵林家
* 井上大輔 Daisuke Inoue
* 葉山三千子 Hayama Mitiko
* 加山雄三 Kayama Yuuzou

Correction is added in advance この「 吉野大作 」は、 歌手に関連した書きかけ項目ですが、 内容が不十分です。 "Yoshino epic" is a item or related to the singer, not the contents. この記事を加筆・訂正などして下さる協力者を求めています 。 Are looking for collaborators下SARU and then fill in correcting this article. ( P:音楽 / PJ芸能人 ) (P: Music / entertainers PJ)
" " より作成 "Http:// E5% 90% 89% E9% 87% 8E% E5% A4% A7% E4% BD% 9C" Retrieved from
カテゴリ : 出典を必要とする記事 | 日本のミュージシャン | 予備校講師 | 群馬県出身の人物 | 1951年生 | 歌手に関するサブスタブ Category: Articles that need to source | musicians in Japan | teacher academy | People from Gunma Prefecture | live 1951 years | sub stub on singer
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